In this tab you can find activities, games, stories, and resources to engage your children according to different age levels. These resources can help your child get excited about reading and learning to read.
These activities are targeted for ages Middle School – High School
Third Grade Reading Guarantee Family Resources

The ability to read is the foundation of learning. Research shows that children who are not reading at a third-grade level by the end of grade 3 are likely to have trouble learning in all classroom subjects in higher grades.
2023 & 2024 Eclipse Series

Find everything you need for the greatest show in the solar system!
Explore the fascinating astrophysics of eclipses with astronaut Steve Bowen. Ever wonder why we don’t have an eclipse every month? What are the odds that the Moon perfectly covers the sun? Astrophysics is even more fascinating than fiction!
We are excited to offer two age-appropriate book readings and one on-orbit science demonstration that will excite you and your students for the 2023 and 2024 eclipses!
Helping Your Kid With . . . Reading Comprehension

From preschool to high school, kids have to understand what they read. When reading at home, ask and answer questions, such as what, how, and why. Then, work to identify the main idea. With these strategies, kids will learn more when they are reading! Hosted by Johny Daniel.
Helping Your Child Become A Self-Regulated Reader

What Is Self-Regulated Reading? When a reader makes changes to their reading behaviors to better understand what they are reading, they are being a self-regulated reader. Self-regulated reading involves a reader adjusting how they read based on their awareness of knowledge, behaviors, and feelings related to reading.
Money Talks

A 5-part Online Series for Middle School Families (Available in English and Spanish)
What is Money Talks?
Money Talks is a short, family-friendly online series about talking to your middle school child about money. For each of 5 topics, you will find conversation starters to use at home with your child(ren), quotes from parents/caregivers like you, games, activity ideas, and other resources. We also share adult financial planning tools for free from OSU Extension that you normally have to pay for! You can click to any topic, any time. No need to review topics that don’t interest you. Do you have a million things on your mind and worry that you’ll forget what to do? Within each topic you can download a planning tool to keep track of your talks!
How Can I Help My Middle Schooler Read Multisyllabic Words?

Many words that students read in middle school have two or more syllables. These are called multisyllabic words. As children progress through school, the number of multisyllabic words they encounter in texts increases. When struggling readers are confronted with long words in their school texts, they often give up or read the words incorrectly, not understanding that some simple steps and strategies make reading long words easier.
Literacy Tips for Parents of Adolescents

Based on the common instructional elements from the REL Southeast Summary of 20 years of research on the effectiveness of adolescent literacy programs and practices (Herrera, Truckenmiller, & Foorman, 2016), there are activities that parents can initiate at home to help ensure successful literacy outcomes for their adolescent students. The activities include:1
Parent Tips: How to Get Your Teen Reading

Be a positive role model for reading Let your teen see you reading for pleasure and during routine activities such as reviewing letters, recipes, instructions, newspapers, magazines, and e-mail.
How Parents Can Encourage Teens to Read
You know that reading is important and you want to make sure that your teenager grows into adulthood with all the skills he or she needs to succeed. The following list offers suggestions for encouraging your teens to read.