- Academically EngagedStudents are academically engaged when they are participating in activities/instruction in a meaningful way and understanding the tasks in which they are involved.
- AccuracyReading words in text with no errors.
- Advanced PhonicsStrategies for decoding multisyllabic words that include morphology and information about the meaning, pronunciation, and parts of speech of words gained from knowledge of prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
- AffixA general term that refers to prefixes and suffixes.
- After Reading Comprehension StrategiesStrategies that require the reader to actively transform key information in text that has been read (e.g., summarizing, retelling).
- Aligned MaterialsStudent materials (texts, activities, manipulatives, homework, etc.) that reinforce classroom instruction of specific skills in reading.
- AlliterationThe repetition of the initial phoneme of each word in connected text (e.g., Harry the happy hippo hula-hoops with Henrietta).
- Alphabetic PrincipleThe concept that letters and letter combinations represent individual phonemes in written words.
- Ample Opportunities for Student PracticeStudents are asked to apply what they have been taught in order to accomplish specific reading tasks. Practice should follow in a logical relationship with what has just been taught. Once skills are internalized, students are provided with more opportunities to independently implement previously learned information.
- AnalogyComparing two sets of words to show some common similarity between the sets. When done as a vocabulary exercise this requires producing one of the words (e.g., cat is to kitten as dog is to _____?).
- AntonymA word opposite in meaning to another word.
- AutomaticityReading without conscious effort or attention to decoding.
- Background KnowledgeForming connections between the text and the information and experiences of the reader.
- Base WordA unit of meaning that can stand alone as a whole word (e.g., friend, pig). Also called a free morpheme.
- Before Reading Comprehension StrategiesStrategies employed to emphasize the importance of preparing students to read text (e.g., activate prior knowledge, set a purpose for reading).
- BlendingThe task of combining sounds rapidly, to accurately represent the word.
- Bloom's TaxonomyA system for categorizing levels of abstraction of questions that commonly occur in educational settings. Includes the following competencies knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
- Chunked TextContinuous text that has been separated into meaningful phrases often with the use of single and double slash marks (/ and //). The intent of using chunked text or chunking text is to give children an opportunity to practice reading phrases fluently. There is no absolute in chunking text. Teachers should use judgment when teaching students how to chunk. Generally, slash marks are made between subject and predicate, and before and after prepositional phrases.
- Chunking
- CoachingA professional development process of supporting teachers in implementing new classroom practices by providing new content and information, modeling related teaching strategies, and offering on-going feedback as teachers master new practices.
- CoarticulationWhen saying words our mouth is always ready for the next sound to be made. While saying one sound, the lips, tongue, etc., are starting to form the sound to follow. This can distort individual sounds during speech because the sounds are not produced in isolated units (e.g., ham- the /m/ blends with the /a/ to distort the vowel). This process is called coarticulation. Because of coarticulation, some children have difficulty hearing the individual sounds in words and the concept of phonemes needs to be explicitly brought to their attention through instruction.
- CognatesWords that are related to each other by virtue of being derived from a common origin (e.g., 'decisive' and 'decision').
- Coherent Instructional DesignA logical, sequential, plan for delivering instruction.
- ComprehensionUnderstanding what one is reading, the ultimate goal of all reading activity.
- Comprehension MonitoringAn awareness of one's understanding of text being read.
- Comprehension QuestionsAddress the meaning of text, ranging from literal to inferential to analytical.
- Comprehensive/Core Reading Program (CRP)is the initial instructional tool teachers use to teach children to learn to read including instruction in the five components of reading identified by the National Reading Panel (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension), spelling, and writing to ensure they reach reading levels that meet or exceed grade-level standards. A CRP should address the instructional needs of the majority of students in a respective school or district.
- Comprehensive Intervention Reading Program (CIRP)These programs are intended for students who are reading one or more years below grade level, and who are struggling with a broad range of reading skills. Comprehensive Intervention Programs include instructional content based on the five essential components of reading instruction integrated into a coherent instructional design. A coherent design includes explicit instructional strategies, coordinated instructional sequences, ample practice opportunities and aligned student materials. Comprehensive Intervention Programs provide instruction that is more intensive, explicit, systematic, and more motivating than instruction students have previously received. These programs also provide more frequent assessments of student progress and more systematic review in order to insure proper pacing of instruction and mastery of all instructional components.
- Concept Definition MappingProvides a visual framework for organizing conceptual information in the process of defining a word or concept. The framework contains the category, properties, and examples of the word or concept.
- Connected TextWords that are linked (as opposed to words in a list) as in sentences, phrases, and paragraphs.
- Consonant BlendTwo or more consecutive consonants which retain their individual sounds (e.g., /bl/ in block; /str/ in string).
- Consonant DigraphTwo consecutive consonants that represent one phoneme, or sound (e.g., /ch/, /sh/).
- Context ClueUsing words or sentences around an unfamiliar word to help clarify its meaning.
- Continuous SoundsA sound that can be held for several seconds without distortion (e.g., /m/, /s/).
- Continuum of Word TypesWords can be classified by type according to their relative difficulty to decode. Typically this continuum is listed from easy to difficult, beginning with VC and CVC words that begin with continuous sounds and progressing to CCCVC and CCCVCC words. Coordinated instructional sequences take into consideration how information is selected, sequenced, organized, and practiced. Coordinated instructional sequences occur within each component of reading where a logical progression of skills would be evident easier skills are introduced before more difficult skills, so that skills build progressively. The other way coordinated instructional sequences are evident is in the clear and meaningful relationship or linking of instruction across the five components of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension. If students orally segment and blend words with the letter-sound /f/ during phonemic awareness instruction, then we would expect to see it followed by practice in connecting the sound /f/ with the letter f. This would be followed by fluency practice in reading words, sentences, and/or passages with the letter-sound /f/. Spelling practice would include /f/ and other previously learned letter-sounds. Core Instruction is instruction provided to all students in the class, and it is usually guided by a comprehensive core reading program. Part of the core instruction is usually provided to the class as a whole, and part is provided during the small group, differentiated instruction period. Although instruction is differentiated by student need during the small group period, materials and lesson procedures from the core program can frequently be used to provide reteaching, or additional teaching to students according to their needs.
- CumulativeInstruction that builds upon previously learned concepts.
- Decodable Text
- Decodable WordsThese words contain phonic elements that were previously taught.
- DecodingThe ability to translate a word from print to speech, usually by employing knowledge of sound symbol correspondences; also the act of deciphering a new word by sounding it out.
- Derivational Affix
- DiagnosticTests that can be used to measure a variety of reading, language, or cognitive skills. Although they can be given as soon as a screening test indicates a child is behind in reading growth, they will usually be given only if a child fails to make adequate progress after being given extra help in learning to read. They are designed to provide a more precise and detailed picture of the full range of a child's knowledge and skill so that instruction can be more precisely planned.
- Dialogic ReadingDuring story reading, the teacher/parent asks questions, adds information, and prompts student to increase sophistication of responses by expanding on his/her utterances.
- Differentiated InstructionMatching instruction to meet the different needs of learners in a given classroom.
- Difficult WordsSome words are difficult because they contain phonic elements that have not yet been taught. Others are difficult because they contain letter-sound correspondences that are unique to that word (e.g., yacht).
- DigraphsA group of two consecutive letters whose phonetic value is a single sound (e.g., /ea/ in bread; /ch/ in chat; /ng/ in sing).
- DiphthongA vowel produced by the tongue shifting position during articulation; a vowel that feels as if it has two parts, especially the vowels spelled ow, oy, ou, and oi.
- Direct InstructionThe teacher defines and teaches a concept, guides students through its application, and arranges for extended guided practice until mastery is achieved.
- Direct Vocabulary InstructionPlanned instruction to pre-teach new, important, and difficult words to ensure the quantity and quality of exposures to words that students will encounter in their reading.
- During Reading Comprehension StrategiesStrategies that help students engage the meanings of a text (e.g., asking questions at critical junctures; modeling the thought process used to make inferences; constructing mental imagery).
- DyslexiaDyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge
- Elkonin BoxesA framework used during phonemic awareness instruction. Elkonin Boxes are sometimes referred to as Sound Boxes. When working with words, the teacher can draw one box per sound for a target word. Students push a marker into one box as they segment each sound in the word.
- Emergent LiteracyThe skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are developmental precursors to conventional forms of reading and writing.
- Empirical ResearchRefers to scientifically based research that applies rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge. This includes research that employs systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment; has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective and scientific review; involves rigorous data analyses that are adequate to test the stated hypotheses and justify the general conclusions drawn; relies on measurements or observational methods that provide valid data across evaluators and observers and across multiple measurements and observations; and can be generalized.
- English Language LearnersDefined by the U.S. Department of Education as nationalorigin-minority students who are limited-English-proficient. Often abbreviated as ELLs.
- Error CorrectionImmediate corrective feedback during reading instruction.
- Etymology
- ExplicitExplicit instruction involves direct explanation. The teacher's language is concise, specific, and related to the objective. Another characteristic of explicit instruction is a visible instructional approach which includes a high level of teacher/student interaction. Explicit instruction means that the actions of the teacher are clear, unambiguous, direct, and visible. This makes it clear what the students are to do and learn. Nothing is left to guess work.
- Expository TextReports factual information (also referred to as informational text) and the relationships among ideas. Expository text tends to be more difficult for students than narrative text because of the density of long, difficult, and unknown words or word parts.
- Expressive LanguageLanguage that is spoken.
- Fidelity of ImplementationThe degree to which instruction follows the intent and design of the program.
- Figurative MeaningsLanguage that departs from its literal meaning (e.g., The snow sparkled like diamonds; That child is a handful.).
- Five Components of Reading
- Flexible GroupingGrouping students according to shared instructional needs and abilities and regrouping as their instructional needs change. Group size and allocated instructional time may vary among groups.
- Floss RuleWords of one syllable, ending in "f", "l", or "s" - after one vowel, usually end in "ff", "ll", or "ss" (sounds /f/, /l/, /s/).
- FluencyAbility to read text quickly, accurately, and with proper expression. Fluency provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension.
- Fluency ProbeAn assessment for measuring fluency, usually a timed oral reading passage at the student's instructional reading level.
- Formal AssessmentFollows a prescribed format for administration and scoring. Scores obtained from formal tests are standardized, meaning that interpretation is based on norms from a comparative sample of children.
- Frayer ModelAn adaptation of the concept map. The framework of the Frayer Model includes the concept word, the definition, characteristics of the concept word, examples of the concept word, and non-examples of the concept word. It is important to include both examples and non-examples, so students are able to identify what the concept word is and what the concept word is not.
- Frustrational Reading LevelThe level at which a reader reads at less than a 90% accuracy (i.e., no more than one error per 10 words read). Frustration level text is difficult text for the reader.
- GeneralizationThe ability to use a learned skill in novel situations. Grapheme A letter or letter combination that spells a phoneme; can be one, two, three, or four letters in English (e.g., e, ei, igh, eigh).
- Graphic OrganizersA visual framework or structure for capturing the main points of what is being read, which may include concepts, ideas, events, vocabulary, or generalizations. Graphic organizers allow ideas in text and thinking processes to become external by showing the interrelatedness of ideas, thus facilitating understanding for the reader. The structure of a graphic organizer is determined by the structure of the kind of text being read.
- GraphophonemicThe relationship between letters and phonemes.
- Guided Oral ReadingInstructional support including immediate corrective feedback as students read orally.
- Guided PracticeStudents practice newly learned skills with the teacher providing prompts and feedback.
- High Frequency Irregular WordsWords in print containing letters that stray from the most common sound pronunciation because they do not follow common phonic patterns (e.g., were, was, laugh, been).
- High Frequency WordsA small group of words (300-500) that account for a large percentage of the words in print and can be regular or irregular words (i.e., Dolch or Fry). Often, they are referred to as 'sight words' since automatic recognition of these words is required for fluent reading.
- HomographWords that are spelled the same but have different origins and meanings. They may or may not be pronounced the same (e.g., can as in a metal container/can as in able to).
- HomonymWords that sound the same but are spelled differently (e.g., cents/sense, knight/night).
- HomophoneWords that may or may not be spelled alike but are pronounced the same. These words are of different origins and have different meanings (e.g., ate and eight; scale as in the covering of a fish; and scale as in a device used to weigh things)
- IdiomA phrase or expression that differs from the literal meaning of the words; a regional or individual expression with a unique meaning (e.g., it's raining cats and dogs).
- Immediate Corrective FeedbackWhen an error occurs, the teacher immediately attends to it by scaffolding instruction (i.e., gradual release of responsibility).
- Immediate Intensive InterventionInstruction that may include more time, more opportunities for student practice, more teacher feedback, smaller group size, and different materials. It is implemented as soon as assessment indicates that students are not making adequate progress in reading.
- Implicit InstructionThe opposite of explicit instruction. Students discover skills and concepts instead of being explicitly taught. For example, the teacher writes a list of words on the board that begin with the letter "m" (mud, milk, meal, and mattress) and asks the students how the words are similar. The teacher elicits from the students that the letter "m" stands for the sound you hear at the beginning of the words.
- Important WordsUnknown words that are critical to passage understanding and which students are likely to encounter in the future.
- Independent-Instructional Reading Level RangeThe reading range that spans instructional and independent reading levels or level of text that a student can read with 90% to 95% or above accuracy.
- Independent Reading LevelThe level at which a reader can read text with 95% accuracy (i.e., no more than one error per 20 words read). Independent reading level is relatively easy text for the reader.
- Indirect Vocabulary InstructionWords learned through independent reading and conversation.
- Inflectional SuffixIn English, a suffix that expresses plurality or possession when added to a noun, tense when added to a verb, and comparison when added to an adjective and some adverbs. A major difference between inflectional and derivational morphemes is that inflections added to verbs, nouns, or adjectives do not change the grammatical role or part of speech of the base words (-s, -es ,-ing, -ed).
- Informal AssessmentDoes not follow prescribed rules for administration and scoring and has not undergone technical scrutiny for reliability and validity. Teacher-made tests, end-of-unit tests, and running records are all examples of informal assessment.
- Informational TextNon-fiction books, also referred to as expository text, that contain facts and information.
- Initial InstructionFirst line of defense to prevent reading failure for all students. Instruction is provided in the whole group (class) and small group (differentiated) setting. A core reading program is the instructional tool used for initial instruction in Florida's Reading First initiative.
- Instructional designInstructional design in reading refers to the process of translating key learning objectives and goals into a delivery system to meet those goals. When we discuss the instructional design of a reading program, we are referring to the underlying framework of a reading program, the way the curriculum is constructed.
- Instructional Reading LevelThe level at which a reader can read text with 90% accuracy (i.e., no more than one error per 10 words read). Instructional reading level engages the student in challenging, but manageable text.
- Instructional Routinesinclude the following sequence of steps Explicit instruction Modeling Guided practice Student practice, application, and feedback Generalization
- IntensityFocused instruction where students are academically engaged with the content and the teacher and receive more opportunities to practice with immediate teacher feedback. Intervention Instruction is provided only to students who are lagging behind their classmates in the development of critical reading skills. This instruction will usually be guided by a specific intervention program that focuses on one or more of the key areas of reading development. This type of instruction is needed by only a relatively small minority of students in a class. In some cases, students in 2nd and 3rd grade may have lagged so far behind grade level development of reading skills that very little content from the grade level comprehensive core program is suitable for them. In these cases, students may need to receive instruction guided by a comprehensive intervention program that is specifically designed to meet their specific needs while at the same time accelerating their growth toward grade level reading ability.
- Intervention ProgramProvides content for instruction that is intended for flexible use as part of differentiated instruction and/or more intensive instruction to meet student learning needs in one or more of the specific areas of reading (phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). These programs are used to provide targeted, intensive intervention for small groups of struggling readers.
- Invented SpellingAn attempt to spell a word based on a student's knowledge of the spelling system and how it works (e.g., kt for cat).
- Irregular WordsWords that contain letters that stray from the most common sound pronunciation; words that do not follow common phonic patterns (e.g., were, was, laugh, been).
- K-W-LA technique used most frequently with expository text to promote comprehension. It can be used as a type of graphic organizer in the form of a chart, and it consists of a 3-step process What I Know (accessing prior knowledge), What I Want to Know (setting a purpose for reading), and What I Learned (recalling what has been read).
- Learning CommunitiesA group in which educators commit to ongoing learning experiences with a deliberate intent to transform teaching and learning at their school or within their district.
- Letter CombinationsAlso referred to as digraphs, a group of consecutive letters that represents a particular sound(s) in the majority of words in which it appears (e.g., /ai/ in maid; /ch/ in chair; /ar/ in car; /kn/ in know; /ng/ in ring).
- Letter-Sound CorrespondenceThe matching of an oral sound to its corresponding letter or group of letters.
- LinkedA clear connection among the objectives of what is taught within and across reading components (e.g., students learn some common letter sounds during phonics instruction, then read words that use those same letter sounds to practice fluency and develop vocabulary).
- Listening VocabularyThe words needed to understand what is heard.
- Literal ComprehensionUnderstanding of the basic facts that the student has read.
- Main IdeaThe central thought or message of a reading passage.
- MetacognitionAn awareness of one's own thinking processes and how they work. The process of consciously thinking about one's learning or reading while actually being engaged in learning or reading. Metacognitive strategies can be taught to students; good readers use metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over their reading.
- ModelingTeacher overtly demonstrates a strategy, skill, or concept that students will be learning.
- MorphemeThe smallest meaningful unit of language.
- Morphemic AnalysisAn analysis of words formed by adding prefixes, suffixes or other meaningful word units to a base word.
- Most Common Letter SoundsThe sound that is usually pronounced for the letter when it appears in a short word, such as /a/ apple...
- Multisyllabic WordsThese are words with more than one syllable. A systematic introduction of prefixes, suffixes, and multisyllabic words should occur throughout a reading program. The average number of syllables in the words students read should increase steadily throughout the grades.
- Narrative TextA story about fictional or real events.
- ObjectivesMeasurable statements detailing the desired accomplishments of a program.
- OdditiesVowels that are pronounced differently from the expected pronunciation (e.g., the "o" in old is pronounced /ō/ instead of the expected /o/.
- Onset and RimeIn a syllable, the onset is the initial consonant or consonants, and the rime is the vowel and any consonants that follow it (e.g., the word sat, the onset is "s" and the rime is "at". In the word flip, the onset is "fl" and the rime is "ip").
- Oral LanguageSpoken language. There are five components of oral language phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
- Orthographic UnitsThe representation of the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols.
- OrthographyA writing system for representing language.
- Outcome AssessmentGiven at the end of the year for two purposes. First, they can help the principal and teachers in a school evaluate the overall effectiveness of their reading program for all students. Second, they are required in Reading First schools to help districts evaluate their progress toward meeting the goal of "every child reading on grade level" by third grade. Schools must show regular progress toward this goal to continue receiving Reading First funds.
- PacingThe pace of a lesson should move briskly, but not so fast as to rush students beyond their ability to answer correctly. The purposes for a fast pace are to help students pay close attention to the material being presented, and provide students more practice time which increases the opportunity for greater student achievement, keeps students actively engaged, and reduces behavior management problems by keeping students on-task.
- Partner/Peer ReadingStudents reading aloud with a partner, taking turns to provide word identification help and feedback.
- PedagogyHow instruction is carried out or the method and practice of teaching.
- Phases of Word LearningPre-alphabetic-Sight word learning at the earliest period. Children do not form letter-sound connections to read words; if they are able to read words at all, they do so by remembering selected visual features. Partial alphabetic-Children learn the names or sounds of alphabet letters and use these to remember how to read words. However, they form connections between only some of the letters and sounds in words, often only the first and final lettersounds. Full alphabetic-Children can form complete connections between letters in written words and phonemes in pronunciations. Consolidated alphabetic-Readers operate with multi-letter units that may be morphemes, syllables, or subsyllabic units such as onsets and rimes. Common spelling patterns become consolidated into letter chunks, and these chunks make it easier to read words.
- PhonemeThe smallest unit of sound within our language system. A phoneme combines with other phonemes to make words.
- Phoneme IsolationRecognizing individual sounds in a word (e.g., /p/ is the first sound in pan).
- Phoneme ManipulationAdding, deleting, and substituting sounds in words (e.g., add /b/ to oat to make boat; delete /p/ in pat to make at; substitute /o/ for /a/ in pat to make pot).
- Phonemic AwarenessThe ability to notice, think about, or manipulate the individual phonemes (sounds) in words. It is the ability to understand that sounds in spoken language work together to make words. This term is used to refer to the highest level of phonological awareness awareness of individual phonemes in words.
- Phonic AnalysisAttention to various phonetic elements of words.
- PhonicsThe study of the relationships between letters and the sounds they represent; also used to describe reading instruction that teaches sound-symbol correspondences.
- PhonogramA succession of letters that represent the same phonological unit in different words, such as "igh" in flight, might, tight, sigh, and high.
- Phonological AwarenessOne's sensitivity to, or explicit awareness of, the phonological structure of words in one's language. This is an "umbrella" term that is used to refer to a student's sensitivity to any aspect of phonological structure in language. It encompasses awareness of individual words in sentences, syllables, and onset-rime segments, as well as awareness of individual phonemes.
- Prefix
- Prior KnowledgeRefers to schema, the knowledge and experience that readers bring to the text.
- Progress MonitoringTests that keep the teacher informed about the child's progress in learning to read during the school year. These assessment results provide a quick sample of critical reading skills that will inform the teacher if the child is making adequate progress toward grade level reading ability at the end of the year.
- Pronunciation GuideA key or guide consisting of graphic symbols that represent particular speech sounds.
- ProsodyReading with expression, proper intonation, and phrasing. This helps readers to sound as if they are speaking the part they are reading. It is also this element of fluency that sets it apart from automaticity.
- RateThe speed at which a person reads.
- Readability LevelRefers to independent, instructional, and frustrational levels of text reading.
- Reading CentersSpecial places organized in the classroom for students to work in small groups or pairs, either cooperatively or individually. Students work in centers while the teacher is conducting small group reading instruction. Each center contains meaningful, purposeful activities that are an extension and reinforcement of what has already been taught by the teacher in reading groups or in a large group. Reading centers offer students the opportunity to stay academically engaged as they apply the skills they have been learning. They are an excellent way for teachers to determine whether or not students know what they have been taught. It is important to develop a system and organize your classroom in such a way that you can provide feedback to students in a timely manner. Waiting until the end of the week to look at what students have worked on all week is not a productive use of instructional time, as students may have been practicing errors all week. Examples of Reading Centers Students practice phonics skills at the phonics center, sort word cards at the vocabulary center, and at the reading center, they read books, listen to taped books, record the reading of a book, and read in pairs. The reading center would contain a variety of books at various reading levels to meet the needs of all students. Other centers may consist of writing and spelling activities, pocket charts, white boards, magnetic letters to practice word building, sentence strips and word cards to create stories, sequencing activities with pictures, story boards, or sentence strips to retell a story that has been read. Some centers may be permanent; others will change according to the skills, books, and activities being currently addressed. It is recommended that teachers not bring in material from other content areas unless the activity from science or math, for example, specifically focuses on a skill that is being addressed in reading instruction. Reading centers require careful planning.
- Reading Fluency Prorating FormulaWhen students are asked to read connected text for more than one minute or less than one minute, their performance must be prorated to give a fluency rate per minute. The prorating formula for this is the following words read correctly times 60 divided by the number of seconds = Reading Fluency Score.
- Reading VocabularyThe words needed to understand what is read.
- Receptive LanguageLanguage that is heard.
- Regular WordsAny word in which each letter represents its respective, most common sound (e.g., sat, fantastic).
- Repeated Reading
- RetellingRecalling the content of what was read or heard.
- RhymingWords that have the same ending sound.
- RootA bound morpheme, usually of Latin origin, that cannot stand alone but is used to form a family of words with related meanings.
- ScaffoldingRefers to the support that is given to students in order for them to arrive at the correct answer. This support may occur as immediate, specific feedback that a teacher offers during student practice. For instance, the assistance the teacher offers may include giving encouragement or cues, breaking the problem down into smaller steps, using a graphic organizer, or providing an example. Scaffolding may be embedded in the features of the instructional design such as starting with simpler skills and building progressively to more difficult skills. Providing the student temporary instructional support assists them in achieving what they could not otherwise have done alone.
- SchemaRefers to prior knowledge, the knowledge and experience that readers bring to the text.
- SchwaThe vowel sound sometimes heard in an unstressed syllable and is most often sounded as /uh/ or as the short /u/ sound as in cup.
- Scientifically Based Reading Research (SBRR)Refers to empirical research that applies rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge. This includes research that employs systematic, empirical methods that draw on observation or experiment; has been accepted by a peer-reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts through a comparably rigorous, objective and scientific review; involves rigorous data analyses that are adequate to test the stated hypotheses and justify the general conclusions drawn; relies on measurements or observational methods that provide valid data across evaluators and observers and across multiple measurements and observations; and can be generalized.
- Scope and SequenceA "roadmap" or "blueprint" for teachers that provides an overall picture of an instructional program and includes the range of teaching content and the order or sequence in which it is taught.
- ScreeningAn informal inventory that provides the teacher a beginning indication of the student's preparation for grade level reading instruction. It is a "first alert" that a child may need extra help to make adequate progress in reading during the year.
- SegmentingSeparating the individual phonemes, or sounds, of a word into discrete units.
- Self-MonitoringRefers to metacognition. When students use self-monitoring strategies, they actively think about how they are learning or understanding the material, activities, or reading in which they are engaged.
- Semantic Feature AnalysisUses a grid to help explore how a set of things are related to one another. By analyzing the grid one can see connections, make predictions, and master important concepts.
- Semantic MapsPortray the schematic relations that compose a concept; a strategy for graphically representing concepts.
- Sight WordsThese are words that are recognized immediately. Sometimes sight words are thought to be irregular, or high frequency words (e.g., the Dolch and Fry lists). However, any word that is recognized automatically is a sight word. These words may be phonetically regular or irregular.
- Sound to Symbol
- Speaking VocabularyThe words used when speaking.
- SpeedThe rate at which a student reads.
- Spelling PatternsRefers to digraphs, vowel pairs, word families, and vowel variant spellings.
- Stop SoundsA stop sound can only be said for an instant, otherwise its sound will be distorted (i.e., / b/, /c/ /d/, /g/, /h/, /j/, /k/, /p/, /q/, /t/, /x/). Words beginning with stop sounds are more difficult for students to sound out than words beginning with a continuous sound.
- Story ElementsCharacters, problem, solutions, themes, settings, and plot.
- Story GrammarThe general structure of stories that includes story elements.
- Story MapsA strategy used to unlock the plot and important elements of a story. These elements can be represented visually through various graphic organizers showing the beginning, middle, and end of a story. Answering the questions of who, where, when, what, and how or why, and listing the main events is also part of story mapping. These elements are also referred to as story grammar.
- Strategic LearnersActive learners. While reading these learners make predictions, organize information, and interact with the text. They think about what they are reading in terms of what they already know. They monitor their comprehension by employing strategies that facilitate their understanding.
- Structural AnalysisA procedure for teaching students to read words formed with prefixes, suffixes, or other meaningful word parts.
- Student Friendly ExplanationAn explanation of the word's meaning rather than a definition. 1) Characterizes the word and how it is typically used. 2) Explains the meaning in everyday language.
- Suffix
- SummarizingReducing large selections of text to their bare essentials: the gist, the key ideas, the main points that are worth noting and remembering. Supplemental Instruction is instruction that goes beyond that provided by the comprehensive core program because the core program does not provide enough instruction or practice in a key area to meet the needs of the students in a particular classroom or school. For example, teachers in a school may observe that their comprehensive core program does not provide enough instruction in vocabulary, or in phonics, to adequately meet the needs of the majority of their students. They could then select a supplemental program in these areas to strengthen the initial instruction and practice provided to all students.
- SyllableA segment of a word that contains one vowel sound. The vowel may or may not be preceded and/or followed by a consonant.
- Syllable TypesThere are six syllable types 1. Closed: cat, cobweb 2. Open: he, silo 3. Vowel-consonant-e (VCE): like, milestone 4. Consonant-l-e: candle, juggle (second syllable) 5. R-controlled: star, corner, 6. Vowel pairs: count, rainbow
- Symbol to SoundMatching grapheme to phoneme.
- SynonymWords that have similar meanings.
- Systematic InstructionA carefully planned sequence for instruction, similar to a builder's blueprint for a house. A blueprint is carefully thought out and designed before building materials are gathered and construction begins. The plan for instruction that is systematic is carefully thought out, strategic, and designed before activities and lessons are planned. Instruction is across the five components (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). For systematic instruction, lessons build on previously taught information, from simple to complex.
- Systematic Phonics InstructionSystematic phonics programs teach children an extensive, pre-specified set of letter-sound correspondences or phonograms.
- Systematic ReviewA planned review of previously learned materials.
- Target WordsAre specifically addressed, analyzed, and/or studied in curriculum lessons, exercises, and independent activities.
- Targeted Supplemental/Intervention Reading Programs (TSRP/TIRP)These programs and materials provide instruction in one or more areas of reading skill. They are intended for flexible use as part of differentiated instruction or in more intensive interventions to meet student learning needs in specific areas (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, or comprehension). When they are used with almost all students in the class because the CCRP does not provide enough instruction and practice in a given area for the majority of students in the class, they are usually referred to as supplemental materials. When they are used to provide targeted, intensive interventions for smaller groups of struggling readers, they are often referred to as intervention materials. Whether referred to as supplemental or intervention materials, these programs provide targeted instruction designed to fill in gaps in student knowledge or skill. These materials can be used to provide either additional instruction or additional practice, or both.
- Text StructureThe various patterns of ideas that are embedded in the organization of text (e.g., cause-effect, comparison-contrast, story grammar).
- Think-AloudsDuring shared read aloud, teachers reveal their thinking processes by verbalizing connections, questions, inferences, and predictions.
- Timed ReadingStudent reads appropriate text with a predetermined number of words to be read within a specific amount of time.
- Trade BookA book intended for general reading that is not a textbook. Train-the-Trainer Model: A capacity-building plan to develop master trainers who then deliver the program information to users.
- Useful Letter SoundsLetters that appear frequently in words. Beginning readers can decode more words when they know several useful letters. Knowing the sounds of /m/, /a/, /t/, and /i/ is more advantageous than the sounds /x/, /q/ /y/, and /z/. Other useful letter sounds are /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /b/, /c/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /k/, /l/, /n/, /p/, and /r/.
- Useful WordsWords that might be unknown to the student, but critical to passage understanding and words that students are likely to encounter in the future.
- Variant CorrespondencesVarious corresponding spelling patterns for a specific sound or a variety of spelling patterns for one sound (e.g., long a spelled a, a_e, ai_, _ay).
- VocabularyRefers to all of the words of our language. One must know words to communicate effectively. Vocabulary is important to reading comprehension because readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. Vocabulary development refers to stored information about the meanings and pronunciation of words necessary for communication. Four types of vocabulary include listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Vowel Digraph or Vowel PairTwo vowels together that represent one phoneme, or sound (e.g., ea, ai, oa).
- Word FamilyGroup of words that share a rime (a vowel plus the consonants that follow; e.g., -ame, -ick,-out).
- Word Learning Strategies
- Word PartsLetters, onsets, rimes, syllables that, when combined, result in words. The ability to recognize various word parts in multisyllabic words is beneficial in decoding unfamiliar words.
- Word StudyThe act of deliberately investigating words (e.g., vocabulary-building exercises, word-identification practice, and spelling).
- Writing VocabularyWords that a student might use while writing.
The terms and definitions for this glossary have been acquired using resources found at the following sites: